Dabble Before Becoming a Specialist

Ben Turner
3 min readApr 26, 2020

Do what makes you come alive, because the World needs people who are alive.

Beach Running to Feel ALIVE

I love the work I do. Every day I am trying to improve as an athlete, learn more as a coach, develop as a nutritionist and offer help to those who want to develop and improve themselves and their lives.

Currently in 2020 I am still employed in a part-time job, I am not ‘loaded’ and I really try to make sure I publish the highs, the lows and remain authentic. It was not an easy road to get to where I am and I still have a very long way to go.

But, I have learned that becoming more of a ‘generalist’ and expanding on more on my creative side, has lead to opportunity that is the World needs more creatives and generalists.

I have spoken to too many people who have turned around and said:

“I have been though school, university and now I am stuck in a career that I don’t like, but I feel trapped”


“I feel like I need to be super qualified in a certain field to branch out and do something different, it just seems like too much commitment”

Sound familiar?

The World today is a very exciting place for opportunity right now, we are in the age of the forward thinking, sole trading, self sufficient, ‘outside the box’ thinkers. These are the people that come up with the ways to, connect 1 billion people across the World, to form organisations to encourage people to get outside or to refresh old thinking or outdated methods, the creative people who bring creative 21st century thinking.

Are you questioning what job you’re in?

Are you confused or undecided in what you want to do?

This is an important and very liberating time to start answering some different questions.

What do you enjoy doing? What, if money was no option, would you do tomorrow? What do you do that when you do it, it doesn’t feel like work?

Too many people get caught up on making money, on how much they will earn, on benefits and bonuses.

“ He who loves money is never satisfied by money, and he who loves wealth is never satisfied by income. This too is futile.” Ecclesiasties 5:10

Instead ask, how can I do what I love to do, and add value to people by doing it?

Adding value is ultimately what every job is doing, isn’t it? As a sales assistant, you are adding value to your customers and to your manager with good service, as a business director, you are adding value through the service of your business…

When the sales assistant chases adding value, they get more hours = more money, or more bonuses and rewards, when the business director chases value through expanding the business or service, they make more money and impact more people.

Chase value, money chases you. Chase money, money will always allude you.

When people are met with not knowing what they want to do, dabble, dabble with lots of things and say yes to opportunities that present themselves to you. Ultimately, this is a case of following through on opportunities that you come across that you initially think “hmmm, that sounds interesting (or fun)…”, obviously, if your initial thought to an opportunity is “heck no!” or “I don’t think that’s for me at all”, then common sense prevails in your decision making.

Do what you love.

Chase value.

Find opportunities and follow though on them.

What’s holding you back?

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Ben Turner

Evidence based nutritionist, athlete, fitness expert and high performance coach. I help people get fitter, healthier and stronger. www.21stcenturybod.com